With the falling economy and many jobs requiring individuals to possess a degree to obtain many jobs higher education is a necessity these days. Many that are looking for advancement in a job they currently hold also need a degree in order to advance to another level also. This is why many people obtain there degree online where they can still go to work to pay bills or are able to stay at home with their children to avoid expensive child care fees. One of the well known online universities that you can obtain your degree is Kaplan University. Kaplan University is a fully accredited university where you can obtain your degree and still be able to go to work or care for your children. There are many fields of the study that Kaplan offers that would be some assistance in obtaining your degree for job advancement or to gain employment in a field that you enjoy.
When you are taking accredited college courses online you are still able to continue with your everyday routine except you will be completing college classes over your computer. There are academic advisors and professors that you will have contact with just like you are taking courses on a college campus the only difference is that you are at your home or office. Below are the areas of study that you can get a degree in at Kaplan U.
- School of Arts and Sciences
- School of Business and Management
- School of Criminal Justice
- School of Teacher Education
- School of Higher Education Studies
- School of Health and Sciences
- School of Information Systems and Technology
- School of Legal Studies
- School of Nursing
- Business and Finance Certificate
- Health Care Certificates
- Information Technology Certificates
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